PowerBeatsVR joins the
VAL winter games 2021
February 13, 2021
Update (08.03.2021)
The Finals are over and we have our champions! 🏆
Here are our amazing winners of the Winter Games 2021 with Piledriver on Expert as the final song to compete on:
- GamesChess with 391843 points
- Rhulyon with 377062 points
- SVoyager with 254338 points
Congratulations on your insane scores!!! You have earned your prize!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest! You all fought well! We really enjoyed watching you compete for the top places and hope you liked it as well. Next time, another try?
PowerBeatsVR joinS the VAL Winter Games 2021 and you can compete for a 500€ priZe pool!
Below is all the information you need to run this competition smoothly and with the maximum amount of fun!

The Virtual Athletics League Winter Games refer to a month full of e-sports tournaments and giveaways, starting on February 19th and going till March 20th. The event features some of the largest titles in Virtual Reality with every game having its own tournament schedule and rules.
See below for when it’s time for PowerBeatsVR, what you can win, and what you have to do for that.
The PowerBeatsVR tournament will be split into Qualifying and Finals. Everyone who owns PowerBeatsVR can participate in the Qualifying without an extra registration or invitation. The top 20 finalists will be eligible to compete in the 500€ Finals. The tournament will be conducted on the PowerBeatsVR Discord server. Join our Discord and see the #tournament-announcements channel for more information.
When will it happen?
Qualifying: March 6th, 2021 – 00:01-23:59 (EST)
Finals: March 7th, 2021 – 00:01-23:59 (EST)
What can you win?
1st place: 250€
2nd place: 150€
3rd place: 100€
Delivering screenshots as proof in the Discord #tournament-screenshot channel is required. Screenshots MUST be post-round, not career-best.
- Weapon: Fists only
- Modifiers: Nothing selected
How exactly is the process
- Qualifying will take place on 06 March 2021.
- A Qualifying song will be announced beginning of 06 March 2021 00:01 (EST) that will be the criteria to qualify for the finals on 07 March 2021: Energetic – Advanced (fists only, no modifiers)
- All participants can use the day until 23:59 (EST) to improve their highscore for the tournament song.
- An end screen screenshot of the new highscore has to be posted in the relevant Discord #tournament-screenshot channel to be counted.
- On 06 March 2021 23:59 (EST) the Qualifying will end.
- The top 20 in highscore will be announced after that and will participate in the finals on 07 March 2021.
- Finals will take place on 07 March 2021.
- A Finals song will be announced beginning on 07 March 2021 00:01 (EST) that will be the criteria for the final ranking of the tournament: : Piledriver – Expert (fists only, no modifiers)
- The 20 finalists can use the day until 23:59 (EST) to improve their highscore for the Finals song.
- An end screen screenshot of the new highscore has to be posted in the relevant Discord #tournament-screenshot channel to be counted.
- On 07 March 2021 23:59 (EST) the tournament will end and the Top 3 will be announced and honored with the prizes.
How do you receive the priZes?
- The prizes will be delivered via PayPal.
- We will deliver prizes within 7 days of receiving the necessary information from the winners.
- The winners can send their information (and support queries) to contact@fivemindcreations.com. Five Mind Creations UG (haftungsbeschränkt) will not be held responsible for the distribution of the prize pool.
- Streams and Videos can be posted in our Discord #videos-and-streams channel! Actually, we encourage you to do that. We would love to see you in action.
- Check your battery levels on your controllers before playing!
- Besides that, see our Top 12 VR Fitness Tips for optimal preparation of your playspace, hardware, and yourself.
- And last but not least, enjoy the competition!
Any further questions?
If you have any further questions, join us in Discord (https://discord.gg/powerbeatsvr) and ask one of the devs, reach out to us via Facebook or simply give us a mail to contact@fivemindcreations.com
You don’t own PowerBeatsVR yet but want to know more about it? Just visit our game page or check out those videos below to get a first impression.